Aquinas and Evolution

Thomas Aquinas believed that all our natural knowledge about God is derived by analogy from what we see in creatures. The beauty, order and design of the universe testify to the greatness of its Author. This Thomistic principle is independently confirmed in the Bible (Rom 1:20; Wis 13:1–9). But if this is the case, shouldn’t the progress of science bring more rather than less evidence for the existence and workings of the Divine intellect in the universe? Should not the Bible be confirmed rather than disproved by the discoveries of modern science? As Catholic scholars we are convinced that no modern data contradict the traditional interpretation of creation. We also believe that the progress of science enables us to discover new evidence for design in the universe – the type of evidence that was unavailable to any ancient or medieval scholar. This type of evidence is the basis of the modern theory of intelligent design (ID). ID is a scientific theory which maintains that at least some biological structures must have been produced by an intelligent cause rather than by an interaction of chance and necessity alone. And since “truth cannot contradict truth” the new evidence does not exclude or diminish any of the older arguments such as those presented by the great medieval teacher and saint, Thomas Aquinas.

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