The question of the origins of the universe is probably one of the most deeply considered and hotly debated issues of the last couple of centuries. Ever since Charles Darwin proposed his theory, evolutionists and creationists have wanted to settle the issue on their own side. But science did not stop at Darwin’s time. It progressed enormously, creating significant problems for Darwinian explanations. Is there a better answer than the dominant neo-Darwinian synthesis? Even more fundamental is the question of whether natural science, by itself, can explain the origins of nature. What are the limits of science and when should we turn to philosophy and theology? How do these three domains–science, philosophy, and theology–relate when addressing the question of origins? Theistic evolution, the idea of God using evolution as a mean of creating the universe, faces problems from both classical Christian theology as well as classical metaphysics. Today things do not look good for the dominant evolutionist views. The time has come to propose a new faith and science synthesis, one that offers a serious approach to the Bible on the one hand and an honest look at biological findings on the other. This book sets a path to such a new synthesis.
Our publications
Knowledge & Evolution
Aquinas and Evolution
“Fr. Michael Chaberek amply demonstrates in this timely work that theistic evolutionism is, in fact, inescapably at odds with fundamental elements of Thomas’ thought.”
Robert Larmer, PhD, University of New Brunswick
Catholicism and Evolution
“Catholicism and Evolution is a thorough exposition of the history of the debate over evolution, especially the theory’s proponents and opponents within the Catholic Church. Fr. Chaberek carefully and completely lays out the history of the controversy so that readers can form their own opinions. This book should be on the shelves of anyone concerned with this subject, or indeed any who would like to fully grasp the controversy’s roots in the Church.”
More than Myth?: Seeking the Full Truth about Genesis, Creation, and Evolution
„More Than Myth?: Seeking the Full Truth about Genesis, Creation, and Evolution” stakes out a middle ground of Progressive Creation between the arguably extreme positions of Young Earth Creationism and Theistic Evolutionism. The various essays in this collection make a strong case that there are compelling scientific and theological reasons to take such an approach in interpreting Scripture, and properly to answer questions regarding biological origins and the nature of man.